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Khayrulla Khudoyorovich Hamidov ,


This article is about the bilingual “Uzbek-Turkish Dictionary” (“Özbek Türkçesi-Türkiye Türkçesi. Sözlük”), which was recently published by the Nobel Publishing House (Republic of Turkey) and contains more than forty thousand words, terms and expressions, which is intended to a certain extent, satisfy the needs of users in the process of studying the Turkish language in our country and the Uzbek language in Turkey, written and oral translation from Uzbek into Turkish and from Turkish into Uzbek, and the article also emphasizes that conducting scientific research on such dictionaries in the future will make a significant contribution to the development of lexicography. The article also objectively shows the achievements of the dicti­o­na­ry and the shortcomings made during compilation, which need to be taken into account in the future, in new editions of this dictionary, constructive suggestions and recommendations are given.


lexicography, dictionary, word, term, written and oral translation, proverb and set phrase, bilingual dictionary.


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How to Cite

Khudoyorovich Hamidov , K. . (2024). NEW "UZBEKI-TURKISH DICTIONARY": ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROBLEMS. Oriental Journal of Philology, 4(03), 133–141.