Zarina Khasanovna Nurillayeva ,Abstract
The article talks about the issue of "wajhi tasmiya" (etymology) in "Burhoni qote'". A group of words is mentioned in Burhoni qote', and along with their explanation, the basic meaning, i.e. etymology, is clarified as much as possible. Of course, determining the etymology of words does not correspond to the requirements of modern linguistic science, and the author acted on the basis of the level of understanding of his time and the standards of the linguistic science of that time. In this work, along with the use of scientific terms and adherence to the directions of modern linguistics, it is also possible to see the approach to the principles of folk etymology. But in any case, in the process of studying the etymology and history of some words, Muahmadhusayn Burhan thoroughly and perfectly mastered the various sciences of his time, he was able to reflect his lexicographical experience and encyclopedic knowledge of his time in his work, the famous dictionary of his time. we are sure that it is one of the atnavis. The above points are explained in the article with examples.
tasmia, etymology, etymological features, vocabulary, vocabulary, phonetic changes, morphological changes, meaning, root, analysis.
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