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Avazbek Ashiraliyevich Vakhidov ,


This article discusses some of the changes in the terminology of Sufism during its formation and development, as well as the factors that influenced its formation. The expansion of the process and development of Sufism literature, which began with the Quran and hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the emergence of religious mazhabism and its historical correlations, the peculiarities of the history of Sufism in the Irfon stage, the emergence of the Khojagon doctrine, which became one of the most important factors in the formation of Sufism terminology in Central Asia, the spread of the Yassawi doctrine, the influence of the modern Naqshbandi movement after the 17th century (Mujaddidism movement), and the emergence of the Qalandar doctrine. In addition, terms of Persian literary space, Sufi terms in works of fiction and their translations into foreign languages are used.


Sufism, sect, development, teaching, stage, Kubrovism, Yassavism, Nashkbandism. Received: 15.05.24


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Ashiraliyevich Vakhidov, A. (2024). FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUFISM TERMINOLOGY IN CENTRAL ASIA. Oriental Journal of Philology, 4(03), 357–364.