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Gavharoy Yarmatova ,


This article conducts a lexicological investigation of tolerance in Turkish-speaking communities from the perspectives of language and culture. The article analyzes how the concept of tolerance is reflected in language through lexical choices, semantic nuances, and discourse patterns, as well as how cultural norms influence the linguistic expression of tolerance in the Turkish language. The relationship between language and identity is also examined in terms of tolerance, as well as the impact of linguistic practices such as code-switching on intercultural communication. The article also discusses the role of language education in shaping tolerance and intercultural competence, as well as strategies for promoting linguistic awareness and sensitivity to diversity.


Tolerance, lexical choices, Code-switching, language education, intercultural competence, linguistic awareness.


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Yarmatova, G. . (2024). A LEXICOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF TOLERANCE: A LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL EXPLORATION. Oriental Journal of Philology, 4(03), 394–402.