Eleonora Ilsurovna Zamaleeva ,Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the status of the adverb as a special part of speech in modern pashto. Adverbs include indeclinable, inconjugate and inconsistent words that are adjacent to a verb, adjectives and derivatives from them (for example, the same adverbs) and act in the syntactic function of a qualitative definition or adverbial relation. Regarding the semantic features of the circumstance of the manner of action, it is worth noting that it is always an adverb in a sentence. It is argued that they are correlative with nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns and numerals. The categorical semantics of an adverb is the ability to express a sign of an action or a sign of a property
In the Pashto language, adverbs are semantically divided into the following groups: place, method and mode of action, measure and degree, purpose, time.
adverb, place, time, measure and degree, mode of action, approaches, formal features.
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