Kholida Zikrillaevna Alimova ,Abstract
Dictionaries written in Persian between the 15th and 18th centuries constitute a significant source of information for the study of the Old Uzbek language. A considerable number of these dictionaries are devoted to the study of the language of Mir Alishir Navayi, an eminent figure in Uzbek literature. Among the philological works, Mirza Mehdi Khan’s dictionary “Sanglakh” with a grammatical essay “Mabani’l-Lughat” (“Basics of the Language”) is of particular note. This is the first valuable and, in comparison with others, more polished and reliable work on the grammar of the Old Uzbek language.
The article provides an overview of Mehdi Khan's grammatical system and presents an analysis of the grammatical material of “Mabani’l-Lughat”. The essay is divided into three sections: a preface, a grammar section, and six sections, or bases, which describe various grammatical forms and phenomena. The study of the grammatical material of “Mabani’l-Lughat” is of great importance in solving a number of problematic issues related to the history of the Uzbek language and for compiling a historical grammar of the Uzbek language.
Mirza Mehdi Khan, Sanglakh, Mabani’l-lughat, Navayi, Old Uzbek language, Chaghatay language, Tarsif, Mabna.
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