Rashida Kharipova ,Abstract
This article is devoted to the study of R.I. Kosmambetova's contribution to the development of the Central Museum of Kazakhstan. R.I. Kosmambetova, who headed the Central Museum from 1974 to 1995, had a significant impact on the formation of collections, expansion of educational programs and strengthening museum ties at the international level. Goals and objectives. The purpose of this study is to identify the key aspects of R.I. Kosmambetova's activities, as well as organizational innovations and scientific and methodological works that have influenced the current state of museology in Kazakhstan. The objectives of the research include the analysis of official and archival documents, systematization and periodization of its activities. Materials and methods. Based on the identified documents and materials in the State Archive of the Almaty region, the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the departmental archive and scientific fund of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (GA AO, CGA RK and CGM RK, CMK KP), the biographical portrait of Raykhan Kosmambetova, whose personality is still It is poorly covered in the historiography of Kazakhstan. Results. As a result of the research, the key aspects of R.I.'s activity are revealed. Kosmambetova: organizational innovations in museum management, expansion of educational programs and strengthening of museum ties, scientific and methodological work affecting the current state of museology in the country. Conclusions. R.I. Kosmambetova played a key role in the development of the Central Museum of Kazakhstan, leaving a significant legacy in the museum business of the country. Her works and achievements are relevant and important for modern museum practices, and the study of her heritage contributes to the further development of the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.
R.I. Kosmambetova, Central Museum of Kazakhstan, museum business, organizational innovations, educational programs, international cultural cooperation.
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