Mutalib Kasimov , Shokhrukh Burkhanov ,Abstract
The article explores the pivotal role of Afghanistan in contemporary international and regional security frameworks. With the U.S. military withdrawal and the Taliban's resurgence in Kabul, the geopolitical significance of Afghanistan has surged, making it a focal point of security studies. The authors highlight the perspectives of Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who emphasized Afghanistan's security as integral to the stability of Central and South Asia.
Drawing on the Copenhagen School's comprehensive security theories, the article identifies five dimensions of security: political, economic, military, environmental, and social. Additionally, it proposes three supplementary aspects—ethnic, religious, and geopolitical security—to better contextualize Afghanistan’s challenges. Persistent ethnic divisions, historical governance biases favoring Pashtun elites, and the need for constitutional reforms to ensure equality among Afghanistan's diverse ethnic groups. The dominance of Islamic ideological influence on Afghan politics and governance, compounded by the Taliban’s controversial policies and the presence of extremist groups threatening regional stability. The strategic interests of regional (Pakistan, Iran, India) and global (U.S., China, Russia) actors, as well as the implications of external interventions.
The authors critically analyze various academic and policy-oriented works, pointing out gaps in the study of Afghanistan’s impact on U.S.-Pakistan security relations. They conclude that Afghanistan's stability remains a cornerstone for regional peace and security, necessitating comprehensive and inclusive approaches in international and regional policies.
Afghanistan, Regional Security, Taliban, Ethnic Conflicts, Geopolitics, Central Asia
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