Aida Tyukmaeva ,Abstract
The article examines the influence of philosophical ideas of postmodernism on the formation and perception of cultural nihilism in modern society. The significance and role of semiotic approaches in understanding nihilistic tendencies in art, literature and mass culture are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the ideological attitudes of Jean-François Lyotard, Jacques Derrida and Frederic James allows us to trace the evolution of postmodern skepticism towards metanarratives that create space for nihilistic interpretations and undermine traditional values and semantic structures. The article also discusses the issue of how cultural nihilism, as a reaction to postmodern discourses, generates new forms of aesthetic consciousness and self-expression. Various examples from artistic practice and media that characterize the specifics of the semiotics of cultural nihilism are considered, revealing new semiantical fields of understanding the interaction of signs, meanings and identities in the context of a dynamically changing modern world.
semiotics, cultural nihilism, philosophy, postmodernism, sign, meaning, intertextuality, deconstruction, identity, subjectivity, criticism, metanarratives, globalization, aesthetics, philosophical traditions.
семиотика, культурный нигилизм, философия, постмодернизм, знак, значение, интертекстуальность, деконструкция, идентичность, субъективность, критика, метанарративы, глобализация, эстетика, философские традиции.
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