Zebiniso Akhmedova ,Abstract
: This article explores the socio-political views of Ahmad Donish as presented in his work "History of the Mangit Dynasty." Written in the context of the 19-20th century, Donish's historical narrative offers a critical examination of the political and social structure of the Mangit dynasty, which ruled parts of Central Asia during that time. The work highlights key aspects of governance, social inequality, and the challenges faced by the political system of the era. Donish critiques the administrative system, addressing issues such as corruption, injustice, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few, while also reflecting on the role of the ruler in maintaining societal balance. The article analyzes Donish’s views on statecraft, law, justice, and the relationship between the ruler and the ruled. His reflections offer valuable insights into the social and political dynamics of the region, making his work a significant source for understanding the history and political philosophy of Central Asia during the early modern period.
Ahmad Donish, History of the Mangit Dynasty, socio-political views, Mangit dynasty, governance, political philosophy, social inequality, corruption, justice, statecraft, Central Asia, 19-20th century, historical narrative.
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