Odiljon Qoriev ,Abstract
The scientific and cultural processes that took place in the Fergana Valley in the Middle Ages and the role of the activities and scientific heritage of scholars from various regions of the region in this field have not been sufficiently studied in historical science. In recent years, research conducted on the basis of oriental manuscript sources shows that a unique local scientific school was formed in the region and scientists who contributed to the development of world science for centuries emerged. This article is devoted to studying the activities and scientific heritage of scholars who actively participated in this process and left a rich scientific heritage in the regions of the Fergana Valley. It studies the specific features of each region and their contribution to the development of the local scientific school, and draws appropriate conclusions.
region, school, Islam, jurisprudence, scholar, manuscript source, history, literature, sect. Sufism, Shaykhulislam, Ahsikent, middle ages.
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