Muhammadjon Abduhamidov ,Abstract
This article discusses the role of Abu al-Qasim Hakim Samarkandi, one of the scholars of Kalam (Islamic theology) in the 9th-10th centuries, who lived and worked in Samarkand, in the Maturidi doctrine. It explores his relationship with Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi, as well as the content and significance of his main work, “As-Savod al-A’zam.” The article also includes a source-based analysis of this work.
creed, Kalam, Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah, school, direction, sect, belief, As-Savod al-A’zam.
Раҳматулло Обидов. Қуръон ва тафсир илмлари. Тошкент ислом унверситети. – Тошкент: 2003 йил. – Б. 13.
Кашфуз-зунун, II, 1008.
Ҳадийятул орифин, I, 199.
Брокелманн, ГAЛ, И, 182-183; Суппл., И, 295; Сезгин, И, 606.
Ибн Можа, “Фитен”, 17; Aбу Довуд, “Суннат”, 1.
Жан, 21-24-бб; Муъжемул-махтутот, I, 297
Броcкелманн, ГAЛ, I, 182-183; Суппл., I, 295; Сезгин, I, 606.
Булак 1253; İстанбул 1288, 1304, 1313; Казан 1878.
Булак 1258.
трж. Иброҳим Кочашли, Баликесир 1964.
трж. Aли Ваҳби Женгиз, Aнқара 1975.
трж. Сидқи Гулла, Истанбул 1980.
трж. Шаҳвар Челикўғли, Истанбул 1999.
трж. Aли Ризо Кашели, Истанбул, ц.
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