This article describes a brief literary analysis of diseases caused by various viruses, which are considered very relevant today because of their significant social and economic importance, as well as their high prevalence in modern medicine. From the studies conducted, it can be concluded that viral diseases are often asymptomatic or cause difficulties in diagnosis, since they occur in any diseases associated with a decrease in the immune system. There is also the difficulty of differential diagnosis of primary infection and recurrence of infection during examination during pregnancy. In this connection, cytomegalovirus infection, human papillomavirus, including genital herpes, leads to psychological, psychosexual and even psychiatric disorders that significantly violate the quality of life.
TORCH infections, HPV, CMVHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bakhriddin B. Muhammadjonov, Rustam R. Ganiev , Bakhodirjon T. Madvaliev , Usmonbek I. Urmonbekov , Otabek A. Ilmiyaminov

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