Pain is a common symptom associated with coronavirus infection (COVID-19). With coronavirus syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), nonspecific discomfort, such as sore throat and chest pain, is common. Pains such as headache, myalgia, or neuropathic pain also occur. The latter seems to be related to an autoimmune response or damage to the peripheral neuromuscular system or central nervous system due to the virus. In addition, chronic pain can be a complication of secondary diseases after suffering COVID-19.
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Abdukodirov, E. I., Khalimova, K. M., & Matmurodov, R. J. Hereditary-Genealogical Features of Parkinson's Disease and Their Early Detection of the Disease. International Journal of Health Sciences, (I), 4138-4144.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Eldor I. Abdukodirov, Asliddin B. Kalanov, Mukhabbat U. Karimova, Rustam J. Matmurodov, Sirojiddin Y. Botirov, Madinabonu F. Nazarova

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