The article compares the effect of standard treatments containing gliflozins, i.e. glucose sodium cotransporter type 2 inhibitor dapagliflozin (forsiga) on hematological changes, intracardiac hemodynamics, kidney function, in particular glomerular filtration rate and collagen Ⅳ indicators in urine in patients with chronic heart failure anemia studied. The increase in erythropoietin levels in the group of patients who received dapagliflozin after treatment is related to the effect of the drug on stimulating the production of erythropoietin in the kidney. It is also confirmed that the effective reduction of the amount of collagen Ⅳ in the urine after the treatment has an effective effect of the drug on the fibrosis processes in the kidney.
chronic heart failure, dapagliflozin, glomerular filtration rate, collagen IVHow to Cite
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