Using the HPLC method with sequential UV detection, it was possible to identify phenolic compounds in hydroalcoholic extracts of Basella rubra L., dihydroquercetin, rutin, rosavin, quercetin and salidroside were found in the leaves and stems of Basella rubra L. The identified compounds are found in large quantities in the leaves, and the major component of them is rutin (82.14 mg / g in leaves and 52.41 mg / g in stems). From the obtained data, it can be concluded that Basella rubra L., which has a wide range of medicinal properties due to the diversity of chemical components, can be further studied for toxicological and other parameters to obtain a valuable effective phytopreparation.
Basella rubra, flavonoids, HPLC, dihydroquercetin, rutin, rosavin, quercetin, salidroside.How to Cite
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