Vertebrogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy, being a global problem of modern healthcare, occupies one of the leading places among the reasons for visiting doctors of various specialties and disability of people of different age categories. According to modern scientific medical research by a number of authors, an episode of back pain, at least once in a lifetime, is noted by 100% of the able-bodied population of developed countries.
The high urgency of the problem of degenerative changes in the spine in the lumbar region is determined by neurological manifestations, changes in psychological and personal characteristics, and a decrease in the quality of life, which attracts close attention of the scientific and medical communities. In particular, it is associated with the peculiarities of the course of the disease, the high frequency of exacerbations and the occurrence in people of the most able-bodied age, unsatisfactory results of treatment and rehabilitation measures, the transformation of the pain syndrome into a chronic form and progressive disability.
According to the literature, from 60% to 80% of the population in industrialized countries experience pain of varying intensity in the lower back against the background of dorsopathy, whose share in the formation of neurological syndromes reaches 95%, and pain, including discogenic origin, is considered the most obligate symptom. , occurring in every fifth person over 30 years of age. In the development and progression of dorsopathies, a significant role is given to the disruption of microcirculation processes, which are observed at the stage of clinically developed manifestations both locally - at the level of the affected segment, becoming one of the factors causing acute pain syndrome, and systemically - in the reflex zones and the central nervous system (CNS) , leading to the preservation, deterioration and chronicity of pain in the conditions of transformation of tissue homeostasis, sensitization and functional dissonance of the CNS structures at different levels, determining the formation of negative pain experience and negative psycho-emotional reactions. A large number of authors indicate degenerative lesions and changes in the musculoskeletal apparatus of the spinal column as the main causes of pain in dorsopathy.
Vertebrogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy,chronic pain, discogenic origin, neurological manifestationsHow to Cite
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