Chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis (ORS) is a prolonged, recurrent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses (SNP) and nasal cavity with the formation of polyps. Since these structures are a single, in the anatomical and physiological sense, complex, the use of the term “rhinosinusitis” is absolutely justified and allows you to more fully understand the mechanisms of the development of the pathological process and justify a competent, comprehensive treatment strategy. The purpose of this review is to study the prevalence and methods of treatment of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis. Thus, conclusion follows that chronic polypous rhinosinusitis is a polyetiological disease that requires a more detailed study. Treatment of this pathology should include surgery followed by the appointment of intranasal corticosteroids.
polypoid, rhinosinusitis (ORS),, prolongedHow to Cite
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