In the context of the spread of COVID-19, it should be remembered that symptoms of unexplained encephalopathy, memory impairment, depression, apathy, peripheral nervous system and muscle damage should be interpreted as possible manifestations of the new coronavirus infection. Given the large number of people infected with MERS-CoV-2, a relative increase in the frequency of autoimmune lesions of the nervous system cannot be excluded in the near future (2, 3, 6).
Further research is needed in this direction. It is safe to say that the clinical presentation of neurological diseases and syndromes caused by coronavirus infection is consistent with our usual ideas, in contrast to the results of neuroimaging and laboratory methods of further investigation (4,5). Of course, additional studies on larger groups of patients are needed to finally understand the mechanisms of development of complications, their degree of association with COVID-19, and the development of schemes for their treatment and subsequent rehabilitation.
COVID-19, encephalopathy,, memory impairmentHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2023 G. G. Urinova, J. A. Nazarova

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