The article describes the comprehensive treatment of patients with acute sensorineural hearing loss of various genesis. In particular, the diversity and abundance of the components of the proposed complexes shows that the development of therapeutic measures for patients with sensorineural hearing loss has not gone beyond research and testing, with significant positive results. shows that the empirical approach to the problem is illogical. Always, the effects of drugs on metabolic activity, blood circulation dynamics, nerve excitability and conduction, and other aspects of the organism’s life activity are far removed from the specific features of general and auditory processes. it is difficult to consider the application based on the pathogenetic principle. Treatment of various forms of acute and sudden sensorineural hearing loss should be etiopathogenetic, complex and timely (quick), which allows to achieve objective improvement of hearing function in 86% of patients.
acute sensorineural hearing, loss, impulseHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2023 U.S. Khasanov, U.P. Abdullayev, J.A. Djuraev, , N.A. Akhundjanov, A.J. Botirov, A.Z. Shaumarov, B.K. Narmurotov, Sh.Sh. Yusupov

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