The effect of the flavonoid glycoside sophoraflavonoloside isolated from the petals of the Crocus sativus L plant (Saffron seed) on hepatoprotective, choleretic and approximate motor activity in chronic liver damage with heliotrin when administered orally at a dose of 100 mg / kg under experimental conditions was studied. The results obtained on the basis of the conducted studies were compared with the control group and the most active dose of the comparative drug Karsil at a dose of 50 mg/kg. Based on preliminary research results, it was found that Soforaflavonoloside does not lag behind karsil and even slightly surpasses a comparable drug in hepatoprotective and choleretic properties. This suggests that the substance under study requires a more extensive in-depth study of the effect of sophoraflavonoloside on the normal and impaired functioning of the liver.
hepatotropic activity, choleretic, the “open squareHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2022 A.N. Aripov, O.A. Aripov, L.L. Akhundjanova, A.U. Nabiev, S.Z. Nishonboev, D.A. Nabieva, D.I. Akhmedova, T.T. Khamroev

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